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Tillandsia aeranthos


Tillandsia aeranthos grows on trees and rocks near sea level in Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador and Argentina. Commonly called "carnations of the air."

In Ecuador, aerial parts are used as an antispasmodic and for eye infections. Local name: clavel del aire. (Rios A. & Khan, 1998).


Tillandsia aeranthos, regular

These are offsets from some original plants we imported from Brazil in the late 1960's. They have been very hardy, and have grown and multiplied in gardens all round New Zealand ever since. They usually flower every year in late spring, with long-lasting pink and blue flowers

Tillandsia aeranthos Mini Purple

A form sold locally, with stiffer more silvery leaves.


Tillandsia aeranthos Little Purp

A local hybrid we made in 2001 between Tillandsia aeranthos standard form and Mini Purple.