Anwyl Bromeliads logo  Anwyl Bromeliads - Tillandsia Specialists




Orders can be sent to us by phone, letter or you can place an order online using the "shopping cart" - press "order now" button  by the items you want. When you have completed your order, just go to the shopping cart and check out! 


Our shopping cart is on a secure server (SSL) but it does not charge credit cards for us. It merely records the products you wish to buy. When you checkout you choose whether you want to pay by internet banking direct to our account, or by credit card.


If you choose credit card we will send you an invoice from PayPal (You do not have to be a member of Paypal, if you are not a member they let you login as a guest to make a payment to us). For the direct credit option we mail you an invoice with our bank details on it. 


You do not necessarily have to use the shopping cart at all - - if you prefer, you can just email us here with details of what you want and we will send you an invoice with bank or PayPal details.


Delivery charges


On New Zealand plant orders there is a freight charge to cover courier and packing costs. Charge is $11.50 per small carton (about 20-30 plants) and $19 per larger carton.  Rural surcharge is $6.50.


For other countries, freight will be charged at cost, plus any expenses involved in gaining Government health certificate - we can give you a price estimate in advance for this.




As from May 19th, 2020 we have suspended adding new discount customers because of our current stock situation.


We grow tillandsias from seed, and it takes from 7 to 20 years for them to reach saleable size - making it impossible to make short-term increases in stock. Our sales rate over the last couple of years has increased to the extent that we can only try to keep up with our current wholesale customers.