We are one of New Zealand’s leading providers of narrowband UVB (NBUVB) phototherapy services, with decades of experience. We have a full body unit, and also a half body unit – suitable for treating those with claustrophobia. NBUVB uses wavelengths of 311-312nm to treat psoriasis, vitiligo, and eczema predominantly, but it can also be used to treat polymorphous light eruption, lichen planus, pityriasis lichenoides, idiopathic urticaria, lichen amyloidosis, parapsoriasis, and a variety of other conditions.
NBUVB has not been shown to increase skin cancer risk. It is considered the treatment of choice for vitiligo, and for widespread eczema and psoriasis which fail topical therapy. It is safe to use in pregnancy, but for women who might become pregnant during treatment we would recommend folic acid supplementation.
Most patients have a test strip done first (which requires visits on consecutive days) in order to determine their starting dose. Treatments are usually done 2-3 times a week, and a course of treatment could be 2 or 3 months on average (however this is quite variable – some conditions such as vitiligo might need treatment for a year or more, some patients might require 5 or 6 months to clear their condition, and a relatively small percentage go on to maintenance treatment once a fortnight once their skin is clear in order to prevent relapse).
We have appointments 3 evenings a week, Saturday mornings, as well as ‘office hours’ in order to fit phototherapy treatments into patients’ lifestyles. The therapists who provide the treatments have been intensively trained in phototherapy and undergo ongoing professional development and mentoring to ensure that this service is maintained at the highest possible standard. We audit and improve the service regularly to ensure our protocols are consistent with international guidelines, and our success rate is as good as or better than that reported by our international colleagues.
To access this service patients can see our dermatologist, or they can be referred by their dermatologist (however our dermatologist will provide supervision of the treatment).